Product category page & Single Product page

Could you please advise how I control Product Category Page. I have product categories displayed using woo widget and when I click on one of the categories it displays products in that category and that's fine. I need to add sidebar to that page. On the page "Shop" I can add sidebar but that displays every product in the shop and I need a page for a category.
Also, how do I control the layout of the Single Product page. Also want to add sidebar there like you did on your Bakery show page.
Please advise.


  • Hi,

    category page is exactly the same page as main page where all products show. So if you selected sidebar for shop page properly, then the same sidebar should be visible on category page. And of course it is possible to have only one (the same) sidebar on shop and category page. You can't control layout on single product page (this is part of WooCommerce plugin and any tools like muffin builder won't work here). But sidebar for single product page will be visible if you setup properly sidebar for shop page as we mentioned above.

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