Anchor links jumping to wrong position

I have the following problem:

If I open a page with anchor everything is ok - the title is on right position

If I click on a link with the anchor page jumps to a wrong position (seems like the hight of the menu is missing?)

Can you help me please?


  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.

  • Sorry, site is online from now:

    If you load this page everything is fine.
    If you click in menu "Leistungen" at "Lungenfunktion" for example, it is moved up.

  • You don't have "One Page" option enabled.
    Please enable it on every page which use Anchor Links.
    You can enable it while editing the page

  • Thx - it worked.
  • Dear support team,

    I have an issue with combining anchor links and sticky header. I've built my page using visual composer (wp bakery builder) and i am using full height rows. When i click on a anchor link, full height row is now shifted downwards by the height of the sticky header. Could you please help me with that? I have the One Page option enabled. Also Subheader | Hide and Content | Remove Padding both on. 

    the link is

    Many thanks in advance
  • Hi,
    Sorry, but I do not see the problem with the anchor links.
    Everything is working fine, did you solve it?
    Also, please clear the cache of your browser.
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