[SOLVED] WPBakery Page Builder - Can not update

edited August 2019 in Visual Composer

I have just bought a licence to get the latest version for beTheme. I update it and register it. In the "Install plugins" menu, it shows that the WPBakery Page Builder plugin needs update (installed version : 4.9.2 - new version : 6.0.2). I so click on "update" but I got:

"To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit Settings to activate your Visual Composer."

But when doing it, I am redirected to "https://support.wpbakery.com/login". Not sure to understand. Is the licence not included with the theme?

Thx in advance!


  • Hello,
    If you would like to update your plugins, please do it through the BeTheme > Install Plugins
    This is the only proper place where you should do this.
  • Hello Pablo,

    This is what I have done and the message received was after clicking on "update" on this "Install Plugins" page.

    This is working for revolution slider for ex but not for the WPBakery plugin.

  • Same for layer slider. There is a new version but when clicking on "update", it says "you have the latest version" which is incorrect.
  • We didn't include the latest version of these plugins because we're currently testing it with our theme.
    It's really buggy for now, and we are waiting for stable version of WPBakery.

    But, we uploaded the latest version of RevSlider yesterday, so WPBakery should be in a couple of days available.
  • Sorry Pablo but my current version of the plugin is quite old : 4.9.2

    This generates error and the plugin is not working as expected. Is there a way to get a previous version if the one specified in your update plugins page (6.0.2) is not really available for installation?

  • Sorry, 6.0.2 is available to download.
    I through you're asking about the 6.0.5 version

    So, be sure that your BeTheme and WP are up to date.
    Then, please deinstall the WPBakery and install it once more through the BeTheme > Plugins, it will install the latest version because we do not keep old versions of the plugins.
  • Both theme and WP are up to date.

    If I do uninstall hte WPBakery plugin, will I lose the content of the pages that was built using it?

  • You shouldn't, because all of the content is stored in the database.
    But, to be 100% sure, please make a backup before doing that, using this plugin:

  • Hello!

    This did work.

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