tabs doesn't show content correctly

edited August 2019 in Other

Please have a look at the screenshot here:
When I clicked on the first tab all was good, but when I tried to click on second one the content disappeared. the same with the rest of the longer tab. All is good with the tabs with small content. How to fix it?
link to the page with tabs:

Also is there any way to scroll to the content on the mobiles? When I click on the first tab - it is open below all tabs which is not visible on mobile screen? It looks like when user click on different tabs nothing happens. 

thank you


  • Hi,

    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.

  • Hi Pablo,

    I've checked my website in Firefox html mode and fixed some errors like extra <p> marks etc. But it didn't fix the problem. What kind of errors do you mean? I built this site using only yours page builders why there are errors?

    Thank you,
  • Yes, we see those errors. This might be because your are using the blog items inside the tabs item. Please try to disable all of your plugins first, if this does not help, we will take a look in your wordpress admin. Please send us your login and password.

    Please send this information privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Hi Bryan,
    I disabled all plugins but it didn't make any difference. Sent you requested credentials.

    Thank you
  • Hey,
    the tabs should be only populated with simple text and images not whole blog items.
    This creates a Javascript issue and it will sadly not work.
  • ok 
    Thank you for your help
    Kind Regards
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