Blog Slider image height in flat mode

edited May 2015 in Blog
Is there a way to have all images appearing in the blog slider to be of the same height? I am using the flat mode and I noticed that it looks quite messy with the images appearing in different heights. I would like it best if they appeared in a square of the same size. They can be cropped if needed.


  • Yes, it is possible of course. All images you use must be the same size.
  • That is unrealistic. I cannot expect blog authors to pre-size their images to the same size. Same for pre-existing blog content. To display cropped thumbnails needs to be the job of whatever processes and displays the images.
    If not, that would mean a lot of footwork that should not have to be necessary these days...

    As I understand your theme does not do that, maybe that could be an idea for future updates?
  • Yes, this does not work that way at this moment. We can consider it while future updates of course.
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