Theme demo layout suddenly changed
Hi there,
When setting up the theme I originally selected "Default layout" to be imported. This seemed to be taking an age (like 10 mins+) so killed that tab and opened a new tab and imported the Insurance demo. Which executed in a matter of seconds.
I then preceded to setup my test site. All of a sudden about 20 minutes later the site switched to the default layout. Would this have been the original import finishing do you think? It was most unsettling to experience and I'm worried now that this could happen again when I setup my live site for my client.
Also, what happens when you actually run the import? (i.e. I can see the css etc. is being changed - are these files being downloaded somewhere?) Is it possible to import multiple demo sites and switch between them?
if you import ALL, then probably it won't work as you need because for many servers this is too big file and all media and other stuff can't be imported. Please send us url to page where layout is broken and we'll have a look on it.