Static CSS

Hello, can you explain a little more about the option to
enable "static CSS".


1. For example, when I activate I won't be able to change
the color anymore ... but isn't it just me deactivating changing the color and
activating it again? Or would there be another way?


2. If you activate after you want to change the colors? How
would you do that.


2. And it is only the colors that will no longer be possible
for changes or text, image, everything?


  • Hello,
    The Static CSS has to be changed(updated) every time you make any change in your theme options, because otherwise your changes will not be affected - the styles (while this option is enabled) are loaded straight from the file on your hosting. BeTheme by the default saves the theme options on the database, but it's kinda slower than reading it from the hosting storage.
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