$translate['published'] missing on blog masonry layout

Hi !

I use masonry layout for blog pages, and noticed that the "Published by" text is missing.
Same issue on Betheme demo : http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/blog?mfn-b=masonry

Which file should I edit to fix this ? (in theme-child)

Thanks in advance !


  • edited May 2015

    thanks for the info because we didn't know about this. The problem was with css and you can fix it within below css:
    .masonry .post-meta .author-date .author span:not(.label) { display: inline-block !important; }
    But "Published by" word won't show on masonry layout because there is not enough space for this text and that's why is not available for this type of layout.
  • Thanks, that was helpfull !

    I'm hiding author name, so i have enough space to show "Published by".
    I modified your CSS to :
    .masonry .post-meta .author-date .author span:not { display: inline-block !important; }
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