How do I change the <head> code to host fontawesome on Cloudflare

Hi There 
the site I'm working on is now loading very quickly BUT time to load fontawesome slows it down considerably. It loads from <link rel="stylesheet" id="font-awesome-css" href="//" type="text/css" media="all"> 

I can't find an option to change this in theme settings (or anywhere else in either CSS or PHP) and can take multiple seconds to load. I assume this is part of the standard theme but would like to change the link to Cloudflare to speed it up

is that possible? if so, how? :-)
Many thanks


  • Hello Claire,
    Sadly, we do not have any tool to change that link to other cdn.
    I will spoke with the DevTeam, but I think that it will not be possible, because bootstrap cdn is the most stable one.
  • Hi and thanks for the reply - is there any way I can speed that up? It just seems weird to me that it's now the slowest loading part (and frustrating too as I'm only using the social icons!)

  • You would have to edit the theme files to achieve that, it's the only way to change that.
    Sadly, we do not provide help with this kind of modifications.
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