Tax price is shown wrong in widget shopping cart

edited April 2020 in WooCommerce

I built a shop with WooCommerce and woocommerce germanized. This is an extra Plugin for the german market and very important for making german onlineshops legally correct for germany. It's one of two main extensions für german onlinshops built with woocommerce. So it would be really grea to be compatible with your theme.

It seems that there is something going wrong with a hook. Thats what the support team of this plugin suspects. i do not know much about hooks.

It seems, that in the sidebar of the shop, where the widget shopping cart is shown, the tax is displayed in the wrong sequence. if you put a product in the cart there is seen like:

10,19€inkl. 19 % MwSt. :

It should correctly say:
inkl. 19 % MwSt. : 10,19€

The support team told me, that they use this hook (regularly used by woocommerce) to display:


Well, this is difficult to explain. I hope you have a clue of what i am talking...
And maybe you have an idea how to help...

Thanks a lot!


  • Hello,
    Sorry, but we do not support any third party plugins, you can find the list of supported plugins on this page, in the sidebar:

    To change something with the tax you would have to edit the woocommerce files, which we do not help with.
    We provide help with understanding the theme, fixing theme bugs and minor css tweaks.

  • Hi,
    ok, no problem.
    Just to be sure, you can can exclude, that your theme is causing this in any way, right?

    Thanks :-)
  • Our theme provide vanilla (standard) version of woocommerce plugin.
    It looks like the problem is on the third-party plugin problem, because we do not involve in the way how the text from this plugin is displayed.

  • Ok, good to be sure. So i can communicate to third party...

    Thank you!
  • Hi Pablo,

    i wrote to the creators of WooCommerce Germanized. They told me what you told me too, that it must be on your side, that it doesn't work correctly.

    Well, i don't know who is right or wrong and i do not have time or knowhow to search the problem.

    But maybe it should be public, that the BeTheme is not 100% compatible with WooCommerced Germanized?

    Thank you anyway...
  • We do not support that plugin so we cannot assure that it will work correctly.
    It could use some functions names which are reserved for betheme and that's why it does not work correctly.

    As I said, we only support the basic version of the woocommerce.
  • Ah ok. That of course is possible.

    Well, i dont think that there will be a sollution for me. I'm getting the same answer from all participants.

    Thank you nevertheless.
  • If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.
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