use of layouts
I noticed that you have layouts in your theme.
I was wondering if I can create a layout and put it at the end of each product page in woocommerce so that when I change the layout all the items will change at once.
I mean, what I need is to create a template/layout to put at the end of each page so that when I change it, it changes everywhere whitout the need to modify each singole page.
I hope this is clear. Usually layouts have this funcion.
Please let me know
Thank you
Unfortunately, layouts can be used only for pages and portfolio items and there is no option to make it affect to product pages.
Moreover, layouts change whole page, and there is no option to make use it for only part of the page.
You can read more about custom Layouts from the following link.
Best regards
ok, thank you.
Is there a way to add a different footer in selected pages, such as in product pages?
Sadly, there is no way to change the footer between the pages :(
The only workaround for that, is to create a Footer as a last section on the Muffin Builder on each page.
Of course, you can create them and import as a Template, but you have to be aware that template feature is not dynamically changing, if you will change something in the footer, then you have to remove the section which will be a footer and insert a new one.
More about templates here, in our documentation:
Thank you for the tips, but I'm afraid it's not what I need.
Thank you anyway