Woocommerce Product Page tab not working

Hi, I'm working on this single product page and for some reasons, review and refer a friend tabs don't work and the content shows up on Main product description tab (renamed to How it works)

Could you please check this page and let me know what is wrong? https://happyearthfarm.org/index.php/product/no-poo-head-to-toe-wash-2/



  • Hello,

    Did you solve this issue already?

    Because I checked your website and these two tabs are working.

    If you did not solve this problem, please, update your Betheme to the newest version, deactivate all of your plugins (except basic WooCommerce), refresh your cache and check if the issue still appears.

    Also, tell me on what browser you noticed that problem.


  • Hi Phil,

    I updated the theme. But both tabs still do not show up properly.

    By that, I mean

    1) When click on "What people say" tab, it basically jumps to one of the paragraphs under the main product description tab.

    2) When click "refer a friend", nothing happens.

    If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find the review section and referral link are under the main description tab.

    I don't mind having them there as it shows up all the options. But have a few questions with it.

    1) How to replicate this to other products. (really not sure how i got it there)

    2) How to remove the tabs (since we have both refer a friend and what people say under main product description already.)

    3) How to have refer a friend above reviews.

    Please see the below image for what I mean.

  • Can you tell me what plugins for WooCommerce do you use, please?


  • For Woocommerce product page, I'm currently using below plugins.

    • storecustomizer
    • woocommerce blocks


  • Sorry, but we did not test these plugins with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so unfortunately, we cannot be of any help to you.

    Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page, in the sidebar:



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