Blog Page - Center alignment of featured images
Dear BeTheme team,
I am really enjoying your theme.
However - I would like to center the featured images inside the wrappers on the Blog Page.
Is there some custom ccs, which could solve this? I am attaching sreenshot (I am running the website on DesktopServer app, so it's not public yet).
Thank you
Please, try to use the following Custom CSS Code, and put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.
Thanks a lot, it worked!
Is it possible to align the featured image also vertically to the center?
For that I would need a link to your website to take a closer look at it.
Are you able to make it live for a while?
Sorry, it's not possible, since I am doing it competely offline and do not have hosting neither server ready.
But I made the screenshot and I am attaching the html version of the page, so hopefully you could see at least source code?
Sorry, but this will not work.
Can you contact us when your website will be online, please?
Hello, I am opening this topic again. My website is already online, could you please advice me, how to center featured images also vertically here:
Thank you in advance
Sorry, but there is no easy way or setting to align these pictures vertically in the middle.
The only this I can recommend you is to upload all images in the same size (you can edit them in the graphic program add some blank space to the top and the bottom), or you can contact your web developer and ask him if he can help you with that by using some coding.
Best regards