Sidebars in Muffin Builder doesn't work correctly

I am working with the sections in Muffin Builder, trying to put a sidebar. In page option I select the layout and the sidebar. Until here everything is ok.

The problem is that same minutes after (or hours) the content of the sidebar dissapear or change the content of the sidebar (VERY STRANGE). I'm getting a bit crazy about this. I fix the problem selecting the correct sidebar again and again and in some hours the content change. I don't know if it's when I put a new content in the menu or in the widgets but this happends in many pages.

Ex of the pages:   This page shows a sidebar that i didn't selected!!   In this page the sidebar dissapear again and again...!!

Please, help!!!

Is there any limitation with the unlimited sidebars? I've created a 10 new sidebars.


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