Translate Clients labels post type

Hi !

I'd like to translate Clients post type labels (Add new / Client categories) into french.
I tried to duplicate 'functions/meta-client.php' in (theme child), and changed labels texts, but this file doesn't override the parent...(still english texts)

Is there a way to translate those labels ?

Thanks for your time !


  • Hey,

    all texts can be translated under Theme options > Translate section.

  • Yes, in Theme Options > Translate > Blog & Portfolio, i can see "Client" input for translation.

    But what i would like, is that in the Clients admin menu :
    - "Add New" becomes "Ajouter"

    And In the Client creation page :
    - "Add New Client" becomes "Ajouter nouveau client"

    Is there a way to do that ?
    Thanks !

  • Ohh, so you mean admin menu. So this can be translated only via .mo/.po files and Poedit software.
  • Yes, after some research I found that I had to deal with .mo/.po files.

    So, I added this in my functions.php (child theme)

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_child_theme_setup' );
    function my_child_theme_setup() {
        load_child_theme_textdomain( 'betheme-child', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );

    Translated and fr_FR.po files are stored in : betheme-child/languages/

    But it doesn't work...I stil get english text

    PS : I only translated strings in relation with Clients...

  • Sorry but unfortunately we can't help because we do not offer files customizations. If you don't know how to modify files with child theme, then use .mo/.po files in parent theme.
  • Thanks, I directly modified .mo/.po files in parent theme as you suggested

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