Insert icon-check Before my text with shortcodes
I want to use "icon-check" before my text and I used the shortcodes :
[icon_block icon="icon-check" align=""]
now It have BR tag and seprated the icon from the text , Given that I'm using gutenburg editor , is that way I put that nice icon before text?
I found this in your default demo
and that's fine for my website
But there is a little problem , I used to FAQ shortcode and everything in that was black
for changing that I used css :
Now the problem is the color of <UL><Li> is #fff and its not readable , Would you please help me to fix that ?
Also need to know how change the color of this shortcode in theme option?
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Excellent ! Now the related post image not show ...
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1) Please try to add inline-style for this list to change the color of it.
2) The color from this shortcode can be found in Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Content.
3) Please turn off all of the plugins, refresh cache, and check if the images in the related posts appear.
There are width and height attributes that cause this issue.
I solve all the issue but still image in related post and blog post in grid dos not show!
I was disabled all plugin even the cache and I upload the latest theme version but still nothing and I guess its related to version of featured image because I used webp version.
Are you able to test it with other image extensions, please?
Please, tell me the result. If this will not help, I can provide you a CSS code that will fix it.
Yes , they work , the png and jpg are fine but webp not.
Well, .webp is disabled by default in WordPress, and it does not support this file extension.
I think that the best way, in that case, will be using jpg/png instead.
Best regards
Please, tell me the result. If this will not help, I can provide you a CSS code that will fix it.
I know the png and Jpg are worked , and Based on your previous message I want that code.
Sorry, but none of the links you have sent in the private message are not working anymore, and they throughs 404 errors.
Can you send it again, please?
There was problem from Hetzener data center
now the website is up and you can see them.
Please, try the following CSS code:
That's not work
I will send you private message , cheek your email please
Sorry, I focused on the images from the related posts section.
Please, add the following code as well: