PHP Time Limit 120
PHP Time Limit 120
Current time limit is OK, however 180 is recommended.
I'm seeing this notice in the system status page,
also. when opening the link wp-admin/admin.php?page=be-plugins
it gives me this error
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
I'm having these errors
Hello, I've seen in the manual and support section that the list under Betheme menu in the admin panel is different.
as i mentioned before, I can't access the plugins at all, and i believe that affects the layout of theme.
1) As the message says, the time limit is OK, but it can cause some problems with pre-built website import or plugin install.
If you will encounter any of these issues, please, contact your hosting provider, and ask them to increase this value to recommended 180s.
2) Is your WP and Betheme up-to-date? If not, please, update them, and check if these errors persist.
3) In most cases the access to Install Plugins is blocked by one of the plugins you already have installed. Please, disable all of your plugins, and check if it appears.
Thanks for your help,
I found the plugin that was blocking the theme files.
it's all working now.