WooCommerce cart not working

Hello, I'm trying to install first party plugins from WooCommerce, but it seems like the custom checkout of the theme does not allow them to work, is there a way to remove the custom checkout and let WooCommerce handle that?

If not, I would like to try and fix the error by hand, so I will need some directions, I'm trying to use the plugin Measurement Price Calculator from WooCommerce, that sends customized data to the cart changing the price of the item, but the data is never recived or recived wrongly in the BeTheme cart, so I get the error message "The given value does not represent a valid number.", now, I know the support don't cover you customicing the theme, so, if can you guide me to where should I check in the code the part that manages the cart data fetching, or where the theme manages the cart variables sent from a product, I will try to code a fix in a child theme myself.

Thanks for the help.


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