Video does not start on the website
I wanted to play a video on this website
The upper blue button jumps directly to the Vimeo website, which is not wanted. The top button sits in a Revolution slider.
Is it possible to link this link in the slider button so that the video starts directly on the page, as when you click on the button below. This second lower button is not in the slider, but in the content.
I hope you understand me?
When you create a simple link with a video URL, you need to add a prettyphoto class to this element.
Sorry, I do not understand. What is a prettyphoto class?
Thanks for help
It is a class you need to add to your play button so that the video will show in a lightbox.
You can add classes in Layer options -> Attributes like on the screenshot from my previous message.
Ok, but what must be in the class, in the custom CSS.
I am not sure. Can you give me an example?
Thank you so much
1) Edit your slider.
2) Choose an element that should have an "on click" action.
3) Click on actions from the Layer options.
4) Choose a simple link.
5) Put a link to your video in the Link URL field.
6) After that, click on Attributes.
7) Add prettyphoto class to the Classes field.
Best regards
thank you for your trouble, but I think there is a misunderstanding, sorry.
I want my video to be presented like this. When I click on the "1" button (screen-1), the film should open like when I clicked on the "2" button (screen-2).
I couldn't do that in the slider.
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You had your link type set to jQuery Triggered. I have changed it to Tag link. Also, in the Link URL, you had #, not link to your video.
Please, check the slider now.
how can I enlarge the video in the slider?
Unfortunately, there is no setting to enlarge the video in the lightbox.