Where to find Slider Shortcode on One Page pre-built Website?
Sorry for such a simple question, but I am new to Betheme and cannot seem to locate how revolution slider is installed on the One Page pre-built website home page. I do not see it when trying to edit the page with any of the provided page editors. I only see the sections below the header and slider. This leads me to believe the slider is installed as part of the header - but I simply cannot find where the shortcode is located. I would like to remove the slider from the top of the home page. Please advise. Thanks!
OK, so I saw on one of the slider tutorials where the slider selection is on the page edit below the muffin builder editor for all of the page sections. I deselected the slider and it is no long there. However, the section where the slider was is still colored green. How do I completely eliminate that section where the slider was previously?
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
Hi, the website is https://foundationsfamilycoaching.com
I would like to remove the slider from the home page and use muffin builder or elementor to edit the header. How do I remove the slider from the header and then be able to see the header in one of those editing tools? I simply do not see a header section in muffin builder or elementor for editing the header.
Ok, Phil. I figured it out. I removed the slider from the page by choosing select from the slider revolution dropdown menu. Then I went to the header and adjusted the height to 0. So I am good to go. Thank you!
I am glad that you figured it out.
Please, let me know if I could help you with anything else.