Slider Revolution not showing on website
I have downloaded the betheme "Consultant 2" and when i installed it with Slider Revolution demo all seems ok but the main big banner slider not displayed but it shows in preview of pre-build website.
What will i do ?
Please, turn off all of the plugins except Slider Revolution, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.
Dear Phil,
i have deactivate all the plugins except slider revolution. But the problem exist.
Also i m not using child theme
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Do you have maintenance mode enabled on your server? Because this is what I see when I try to check your pages:
Can you disable it, please?
Ok i had disabled it kindly check now.
I have reinstalled the Slider Revolution on your website, and it is working now.
Moreover, I noticed in your System Status that your server settings do not meet the theme requirements, and it could be the problem that the slider was not working at the beginning.
Please, contact your hosting provider to change these values to the required ones. This change will also spare you possible issues in the future.
Thanks for the slider revolution and its working perfectly but you have delete the "statistics", "our references" and " contact form" why ?
I did not touch anything on your website except the Slider.
This issue appeared because of your low max input vars value I mentioned in my previous message.
This value stands for how much content can be displayed on your website. The bottom part was automatically deleted when the new content appeared on the top of the page (Slider).
This is why this value should always be set at a minimum recommended 5000.
Best regards