Add top spacing in menu when scrolling up from bottom

It happens on my website, but in order not to waste time with data and so that you can verify it faster and more easily, it also happens, for example, in your "itservice6" demo ( .

When entering the page there is no problem with the menu, but if you scroll down, reload, and come up all the way again, then for some reason a top space is added above the menu.

It also occurs in:


Not in all but in almost all. And on my website that happens, and it really looks very bad.

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    Please, put the following CSS code in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS, and check if the problem persists.


  • CSS code is missing ?

    I guess it's something like


    This (#Top_bar{top:61px} or similar) is inserted by some JS as style but...

    Could you see that in your demos it happens?

    Can't you fix this in a general way in an update so that it doesn't happen without having to put "patches" in each of the projects?

    I've noticed now but I'm sure there are hundreds of projects where the same thing happens.


  • Sorry for the cut message. Yes, I meant that CSS code.

    We are aware of this issue, but it requires the sticky logo modifications, and it is on our to-do list.

    So, for now, you can use the CSS code.

    Best regards

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