Clients Slider - Change size of images

Hi dear all,

we're using the clients slider on one of our customers website to present his awards and partners. The client slider is working great for that, because every icon is scaled perfectly to the same size.

But we would like to increase the size of the icons. They're looking a bit too small. We tried it via the settings but had no success. Also googling did not really help. I found an old thread where someone edits the theme_functions.php, but that cant't be the solution :D

Can anyone help us, how to do that?

Screenshot of this section:

Thanks in advance.

Best regards



  • Hello Normal,

    The size of that element is hardcoded in the theme, it cannot be changed using the theme, it has to be changed in the theme-functions.php files, as you mentioned.

    If you want to use bigger images, just use the basic "Slider" item.


  • Hi Pablo,

    thanks for your quick response.

    At first I had also prefer the "basic Slider", because we already use them on this website. But on the basic Slider I'm unable to set some images side by side like in the "clients Slider". On the basic Slider I'm only able to set one image.

    Or is it possible to create the same layout with the basic Slider like you see on my screenshot?



  • Hi,

    Did you try to use the style Flat carousel with titles for the Slider element?

    If not, please, check it because it puts the images side by side.


  • Hi Phil,

    big thanks... sorry I didn't tried that out (my mistake). Yes that does work. But - sorry - another question to this:

    The Flat carousel with titles does set a "huge" border around the images. Is it possible to minimize the border via css or so so that more images are visible at the same time?



  • Please, attach a link to your website, and I will check if I can help you with that.


  • Hi Phil,

    thanks for your time! The website is: (it's the part: "Partnerschaften & Auszeichnungen")

    One more question is coming up with that (sorry): If we enable the auto slide, of course all slides will slide. Our customer ask me if it is possible to "just" autoslide that part/that slide in "Partnerschaften & Auszeichnungen". Would that be possible?


    Regards, Norman

  • 1) Please, try the following CSS code:

    .content_slider.carousel .content_slider_ul li{
       padding: 0!important;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    2) The auto slide from the Theme options works globally for all sliders of a given type. So for example, if you set the auto rotation for the client slider, it will affect all client sliders on your website.


  • Hi Phil,

    thanks for the CSS code. But that does not take any effect to me.

    Do you have any idea why? I see the css code when inspecting the sites code.


  • Unfortunately, I cannot recommend anything else.

    The Slider uses JS to calculate its size and position, and applying more CSS code to it would completely destroy its display.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    that's ok for me - thanks for explaining.

    Also, thank you for your time and for helping us out. :-)

    Best regards


  • You are welcome.

    I am always happy to help. ?

    Best regards

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