Box disappears
Good morning everyone,
I'm not an expert and I'm just trying to create my own website starting from one of your theme (video 2).
I have just upload your theme in wordpress 6.01 and I have two problems:
- As you can see in the pictures, the little box news, appears in edit mode, but disappears in live view.
- I can't find a way to modify home page head (the part saying "we make memorable videos"). When I click on it, nothing happens.
I hope you can help me.
Thank you. All the best. Vincenzo.
1) There is an issue that appeared in the last update.
Please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS, and put there the following CSS code:
2) It is a Revolution Slider. To edit it you need to go to this plugin tab in the WP panel.
Great! Solved!