WP Bakery conflict after Update

Hi there,

big fan of your theme have been using it for years.

I have a weird issue that I cannot seem to solve.

The Hosting provider of a client did an PHP Update to version 8.1 which resulted in a critical error / whitescreen. As the WP Version was a little older I updated WP manually over ftp. I updated to the latest BeTheme version in that go too. I could then access the page and dashboard again, as Plugins were deactivated. After activating th plugins one by one and trying to find the issue, I noticed that WP bakery is causing the error, whenever activated the white screen appears. I tried to update over the betheme panel but it doesn't proceed. I found a few solutions in the forum that I tried:

1) deactivating plugins and trying to update and activate WP Bakery, but that didn't change anything

2) switched to parent theme, that didn't fix the issue

3) deleted the plugin and wanted to reinstall, but it doesn't install it anymore. I had to place the backup js composer folder via ftp to get wp bakery back at all...

So right now I cannot activate WP Bakery and I cannot update it....

The Plugin page shows version 6.0.2 but the Betheme -> Plugin page shows version 6.9 (depricated)

The BeTheme Server status shows that the php time limit and php max input var are too low, is this the cause of the WP Bakery issue?

Best regards...


  • Hi,

    Please, open the Plugins folder via FTP, change the WPBakery catalog name (you can add an underline at the beginning of it), install this plugin through Betheme -> Plugins, and check if the problem persists.

    If this will not help, you will have to contact WPBakery support because it is not our product. There is the possibility that WPBakery is not prepared for PHP 8 yet.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply & suggestion.

    The problem is solved, however I will shortly outline what was done to fix it should anyone else run into this weird problem.

    Earlier I had deleted the js composer folder (WP Bakery) entirely by ftp and tried to install it again through Betheme -> Plugins. However that did not work and the plugin was not installed at all (there wasn't any error message either). I then put the js composer folder back via ftp (that I had saved before deleting).

    The problem of course still remained, so after you wrote that I should rename it and reinstall, I thought I would try it again. So this time I renamed the js composer folder and kept it. The plugin was still visible in the Dashboard Plugin view (even after emptying the cache) which I thought was unusual. I then deleted the plugin via WP Dashboard - Plugins and reinstalled it through Betheme -> Plugins and the freshest version was installed and activated straight away... The problem is solved and the page is up an running again. I have no idea how this happened and why, but I hope should someone have the same weird issue that this might help :D

    Thanks BeTheme for the support.

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