Be Theme Color Options Do Not Work

Previously i was working with wordpress 4-1
And had no problems about color options.

When i installed latest version of BeTheme from themeforest and with wordpress 4.2.2
But i am not able to change any colors from BeTheme Options panel. Pls reply back.

Alphan AKAY


  • Hi,

    what exactly happen? Are you unable to save colors in back-end or maybe saving colors works but they do not change in front-end? Please explain. Also please provide url to site where colors does not work.

  • At the backend colors do save but do not show in frontend. For ex. i change body background from BeTheme Options panel and save it successfully. But nothng changes in frontend. I tested it many times and it does not work. Where can supply you login info to my site? Mail or private message?
  • Meanwhile, Colors work perfect with previous version of wordpress...
  • So there is 2 reasons why they do not change in front-end:

    1) You got pre-defined skin selected while custom colors works only with custom skin.

    2) You use cache and that's why colors won't change.
  • Where can i give you login info?
  • İ already have custom skin selected and it does not work. And it is not cache problem. Pls take a look...
  • Your messages were removed because we do not accept such behavior. We do not work 24/7 because we are not robots so you must be patient to wait for your reply. On you can check what time we work.

    As we wrote above, one of these 2 things are the reason of your problem. But if you ask where you got cache, answer is - we don't know. We are not your website developer or host admin so we don't know if you got cache on site or server side. If you also don't know, you should contact with person who is responsible for your site.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • I just asked if you are going to answer or not? I do not know when you work and when not. You replied my first questions sooo fast so i wanted to know if there is a problem answering other ones. You can check reply time for my previous questions. I never thnk that you are robots and know that this is a tough work to supply support for such a huge community. So no problem and im sorry if i was misunderstood...
  • No, there is no problems with the answers as you see. But messages were removed because you left too many of them at once.
  • Hello
    I've been having the same problem.
    I'm pretty sure now that my problem is #1: "You got pre-defined skin selected while custom colors works only with custom skin."
    So how can I change the pre-defined settings to my customised ones? Is there something I need to tick or untick? Or some code I need to add or change? 
  • My bad, just figured it out! 
    Selected “Custom skin" in Theme options > Colors > General 
    Thanks anyway :)
  • @evelisebueno To use custom colors, you must switch to Custom skin under Theme options > Colors > General section. We are glad to hear that you found it.
  • I have followed your instructions. My setting  under Theme options > Colors > General section is -Custom Skin- yet when I change color settings nothing happens. I have it set exactly as it is in the picture in 6.12.1 in your documentation. What else should I do?
  • Apparently it is working except.....
    I am trying to set custom font colors for links and link hovers, but I can'f find how to do that for h1,h2,h3,etc. Are they prevented from having link colors?  
  • @gbhutto Not hey are not. However, if it doesn't work as you expect, you can always use custom css:

    h1 a { color: #000 !important; }
    h1 a:hover { color: #000 !important; }
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