Bejet demo installation

I've been reading through all your documentation for most of 2 days and I just want to have the full BeJet demo installed WITH the home page layout and I've been unsuccessful at doing so. I've read some things about not all demos being available, but this is on the list to import. I've made quite a mess repeatedly and now removed all pages, css, media files and reset to defaults to try again one more time before requesting a refund.

I also seem to be having tons of issues with a sticky cache. I'm using GoDaddy WP Managed Hosting. Do you have a browser suggestion? I've tried Chrome (which is REALLY sticking) and Firefox (latest versions).

Everything is updated, just bought yesterday. temp url is

Can you please help?


  • Update: I've managed to install the theme relatively cleanly now, but can't see how to build the large photo at the top of the home page with text overlays... Please give me detailed directions on how to make my home page have the layout of Bejet.

  • Hi,

    do you mean slider section where place is? Or you mean those 2 boxes under the slider?
  • UPDATE AGAIN: I did it! I have the slider so close to Bejet - but the text placement and responsiveness isn't working the same - can you tell me the Bejet home page slider settings?

    My link:

    My slider revolution settings:
    Slider Layout: Auto Responsive
    FullScreen Align: On
    Unlimited Height: On
    Force Full Width: On
    Min. Height: 600
    Layers Grid Size: Grid Width: 1400, Grid Height: 600
    Default Responsive Sizes (I didn't change any of those)

  • I'm talking about the slider section - I'd like the text to work responsively and be positioned the same as your Bejet demo. Notice mine is messed up - see settings above...

  • There is too many options for this slider. And because this slider is in package, we recommend you to import it on your site and compare our settings with yours.
  • Perfect, I didn't realize I could do that. Now I found that documentation. Thanks so much!
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