Add background colour to button shortcode - class=button-stroke

Hi, I want to use one of the buttons from the shortcodes, it is the one with coloured borders and fade from clear to colour backgrounds on hover. (4th row on the link)

The code to use the button is:
<div class="button-stroke"><a class="button  button_left button_navy kill_the_icon" href="" target="_blank">
<span class="button_icon"><i class="icon-newspaper"></i></span>
<span class="button_label">Button with icon</span></a>

The problem is that the background is originally transparent so when I use it over an image, the button is unclear and unreadable. I tried for a long time to change the background colour or add an element behind it of white background but it havn't been sucessful. If there anyway this can be done? 



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