Can we get members and memberpress plugin to work?

edited January 2023 in Theme support

Members – Membership & User Role Editor Plugin

Is a popular members plugin with over 200k downloads.

When installed you cannot hide access to pages with certain roles when bethem is installed.

You can hide pages using elementor but not the bebuilder.

In fact I have tried every member plugin including paid memberships pro, restrict content pro a couple of others and none of them work, when you try to hide a page from a subscriber role for example the bebuilder content will still show.

I really don't like using elementor and I assume many wordpress websites want to implement members and member plugins so they can hide/show various pages.

Is there any workaround or snippet to add in order to get betheme to be compatible with member based plugins that hide pages based on user roles.

I would really love for this to happen, I have been using betheme now for years and surprised this hasn't been implemented.

Any help would be very welcome. Thankyou


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