Problems with JS-Banner


My customer would like to publish a Java Script banner from a software manufacturer on the website. After clicking on the banner, the lightbox opens, but unfortunately the view is wrong. Lightbox and background mix and the cross to close the page doesn't work. Can you please help me with this?

Thank you



  • Hi,

    It is about z-index, and this popup construction. We do not help with a custom scripts/codes, so I cannot help you with that, and you should contact your web developer instead.

    However, such popup could be easily done with Popup Builder. You can learn more about it on the following video tutorial:

    Best regards

  • dear support

    I was able to solve the problem with the z-index, but the size of the popup is now the problem and you can no longer close the open popup because the header is in the foreground. is there any way to display the popup correctly? Unfortunately I can't find any other solution for this.


  • As I mentioned before, we do not provide help with custom scripts and third-party plugins.

    If you used a plugin for your popup, you need to contact the plugin author. If it is made with custom code, you need to contact your web developer.

    Best regards

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