Building an Art Gallery website with BeTheme
Hello everyone...
I'm building a website for an Art Gallery. Each piece is of art is a WooCOmmerce product.
What I need is a way to assign an "Artist" and a "Series" taxonomies to each product.
So far I created categories, e.g. Paintings, Photographs, Sculptures, Jewels, etc. And of course I can create attributes like Size, Color(s), Technique, Material, etc.
What seems to be pretty hard to build is a something which can be used to create, e.g., a "John Smith", so I can assign to "John Smith" a page to show his biography and all the product(s) created by John Smith...
Any suggestion?
You can create an additional category for artists, and with shop templates, create a custom layout assigned to these categories with descriptions and products.
Best regards
Hello Phil,
thanks for your reply... unfortunately, this solution is not suitable because I need a page for each "Artist", not just for the category "artists"...
Best regards!
But you can create a category named after the artist.
For example, create the category "John Smith" assign products that belong to him to this category, and create a template for the "John Smith" category with all required information.
Best regards
Hello Phil,
thanks for your kind reply... When you mention"template" do you mean one of the templates that can be created within BeTheme? Because in this case, the only template I can assign to a category, is the "shop archive" template...
Best regards
Yes, I mean the shop archive template I mentioned in my first message.
You can create a category with any layout and content you want with it.
Best regards