Product description length

Is there a way to limit the product description length in the product block where the description is displayed, for example I would limit it to 50 characters. I want the Products to be in a line on my screen, below is an example image:


  • Hi,

    There is no setting to control that.

    You can only adjust the length of this in the product's short description.

    Best regards

  • The last update fixed the problem with the basket and the top banner. Thank you.

  • OK, thanks, I limited the length of the text using css code, and to ensure that the fields were equal, I also added a js code to equalize them, if anyone needs to equalize fields in the store, here is JS example:


     jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

        // Finding the highest height among all products

        var maxHeight = 0;

        $(".mfn-product-li-item").each(function() {

          var productHeight = $(this).height();

          if (productHeight > maxHeight) {

            maxHeight = productHeight;



        // Setting the same height for all products



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