Single Product Layout - Thumbnails and Initial Image issues

On this page [ ], using Chrome on a Mac, we see the initial page layout load in and the THUMBNAILS look sized correctly -- while the featured main image is displayed oversized within the 'crop area' -- re-sizing the chrome browser makes the feature image adjust to it's corrected scale/aspect ratio. It pops into place once the browser window is resized. But, then the THUMBNAILS seem to grow over their boundary and scale up-- overflowing into the next row (shown in 2nd image below).

Can you help me identify what is causing this? We are not doing any custom code inserting - just using the theme from Be and customizing the Woo content with our product images.

Thank you, —Will


  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason. Before, please update Betheme to the newest version.


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