Avoid an excessive DOM size

Hi, I couldn't solve this problem. I'm waiting for your support.

Thank you.


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • I checked your website, and I see fewer elements in this notice, and re result is Med-Low instead of Med.

    Anyway, it mainly refers to the Mega Menu, so if you want to lower this value, you should consider putting there menus with fewer menu items.

    We have plans to add AJAX loading for Mega Menu, but it is on our to-do list, and I cannot tell when it will be implemented.

    Best regards

  • But as i saw, that elements in body class. I want to reduce them from body class.

  • edited August 2023

    Header Template, Mega Menu, Content, etc., are parts of the body tag. To reduce that, you will have slim down the website structure a bit.

    Best regards

  • Alright, thank you. I'll wait for ajax. By the way, can you tell me how can i fix "Flash of Unstyled Text" or should i wait next update? Because website downloading fonts two times and this is creating blocking time for our fonts.

    Thank you.

  • Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Performance, and set the Builder local styles to load Inline in header.

    Best regards

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