Creating a shadow to differentiate the footer from the page body
I would like to create a shadow below all the body elements to clearly differentiate the footer from the content and the body. How can I do this?
I would like to create a shadow below all the body elements to clearly differentiate the footer from the content and the body. How can I do this?
i found i way to do it on But i would like to display it automatiquely on all page of the website
I can see that you use the Footer Builder, so you can set up the Box shadow in the footer template in Section -> Advanced -> Border.
Best regards
but this apply the shadoww on the footer , so cause the body is over the footer we doesnt see it until the scroll down
But you can set the inset box shadow.
Best regards
Still not,
I use the option sliding under content,
and i would like in my first page the border affect the last section of the body,
So, try this:
Put a section with a divider element before the main footer section and add a box shadow to it.
Best regards
in template footer section?
this doesnt change anything
the border stay on th e footer not on the end of the body
Did you try it?
In the way I showed it should be visible.
Best regards
yes, this dont work on my side
I have logged into your website.
You did not add a divider element to the first section.
Best regards