Theme double content and mobile/ipad versions mess

I ran into a bit of a problem with the space between my logo and header, and it turned out to be quite a puzzle to fix. I scoured the web for solutions but couldn't seem to find one that worked. That's when I stumbled upon one of your YouTube tutorials and decided to give it a shot. I followed the instructions to add only the theme content, hoping it would do the trick. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned.

The space between the logo and header stubbornly persisted, and my site's iPad and mobile versions went haywire. To make matters worse, it seemed like almost every piece of content had duplicated itself. I spent hours attempting to delete or draft some content to see if it would help, but things just got messier.

I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet. I'm reaching out in the hope that one of your admins or support team members can lend a hand in getting things back on track. I'm willing to share my login info.

P.S. Despite the frustration, I'm determined to make this theme work for my site.


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