Mobile submenu not scrollable & problems with search

edited October 2023 in Theme support

Hello again,

my web:

I still have a couple of problems with the web:


I have an issue with the submenu. It's not scrollable either in desktop or mobile. In mobile it is very disturbing as you cannot see all the shop categories in the menu. I've turned on Header creative –> scrollable and Dropdown submenu (tried also without the second one) but it's still not scrollable.

Edit: I don't know how to delete this discussion, so... I could fix the scroll issue with changing mobile header to slide. It still doesn't scroll with sticky header in desktop.


2.1) I use live search, when I start searching for something and it gives product results then these are not clickable from the live search list. It would make sense that you can click on the product from the live search results list.

Edit: I discovered only the small title is clickable, not the image or the cell itself. From ux perspective this is not very user-friendly.

2.2) The search shows products that are not related to the search term at all (title). For example if shows the first three products correctly but the other ones are completely random. At least the word is not connected to the titles at all. Why is that and how to remove the unnecessary search results?

Edit: for some reason it shows the correct results now.

How do fix the scrolling and search results issues?

Thank you!



  • Hi,

    1) I highly recommend using the Mega Menu for better clarity for such a long submenus.

    But you can try the following CSS code for the regular submenu:

    #Top_bar .menu .sub-menu{
     max-height: 550px;
     overflow: auto;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    2.1) I have passed this to the dev team. We will add it in the upcoming updates.

    2.2) If this problem happens again, please let me know.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    thank you!

    Regarding 2.2) I now checked it again and the issue still exist in desktop version. I realised the reason it shows these unrelated results is because the word is used in the description of those products. How to make that the search only works for title of the products?


  • There is no option for that.

    We base on the standard WordPress search functionality which searches through the whole content.

    Best regards

  • Oh... okay. Thank you! I'll try to manage!

    And thank you again for an awesome theme!


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