BeBuilder not loading anymore

Hi there,

Working on this website the BeBuilder won´t respond anymore.

It keeps on loading without finishing (tested in Firefox and Chrome) – could you please help us out?

Many thanks and best regards.



  • Hi,

    Did you try disabling plugins to see if none of them causes it?

    If yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Hi Phil,

    Thanks for your quick reply – deactivating and reactivating the plugins did the job.

    Happy weekend and

    best regards,


  • Hi Phil,

    today in the morning I´ve tried to work an the page again and noch sometimes it works, then I deactivate the plugins, reactivate them, then it doesn´t work, I reload and it works, then again not...

    I don´t see a pattern anymore.

    Two things I´ve noticed: the revolution-slider tells me it should be updated, but I can´t update it in the BeTheme Dashboard. And the second: the fontawesome icons don´t load... I don´t know, if this could be a part of the issue.

    Could you please check again – I´m resending the credentials over hte contact form, with a link to this thread.

    Many thanks


    best regards,


  • Sorry, but we didn't get any message from you yet.

    Please check your mailbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Ensure you send all the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials
    • FTP credentials


  • Hi Phil,

    I just answered through email...

    Best regards,


  • Oh alright. If I can help you with anything else, please let me know.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    again we are facing the same issue – the BeBuilder is not loading.

    Could you please help us out urgently... we are about to finish the website and we can´t do the last part of work without the BeBuilder.

    I´m providing the credentials again.

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • I received your message.

    Should I check some particular page? First I choose loaded correctly.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    no... on none of the pages the BeBuilder is loading here – neither in Firefox nor in Google-Chrome.

    And not only on my computer, but on the one of two collegues in two different offices – a Mac and a PC.

    Best regards,


  • Sorry, but I am not able to replicate it. All pages that I open load.

    I checked that on Windows and Mac, and both of them work correctly.

    Do I need to proceed with any particular steps to see this problem?

    Best regards

  • It´s all extremely weird, Phil.

    Now I was able to work 15 Minutes on two pages... and now I can´t load any page anymore.

    And when saving the Custom CSS in the Theme Options I get this error:

    saying: "There was a critical error on your website. Please check the inbox of your website administrator email address for further instructions."

    It´s really very annoying, as we really want to finish the page.

    And as you know – with more than 12 BeTheme installations running – I am not a rookie.

    Many thanks and

    best regards,


  • 1) I created a new page and worked on it for about 20 or 30 minutes, and unfortunately, your issue did not appear.

    Do you have an access to some other server? Can you test create a duplicate of this website, on another server, and check if this issue happens there as well?

    2) Can you send me the CSS code you tried to place in the Custom CSS area? I want to check what is happening.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    Unfortunately we don´t have the possibility to test the site on another server at the moment, as our developer is already in his Christmas holiday.

    And as for the code – last I added this code:

    /* Jobs-Blog-Post-Button */

    .post-footer {

     width: 100%;

     text-align: center


    .grid .post-footer {

     margin: 0;


    .post-footer .post-links {

     float: none;

       display: inline-block;

     color: #8d917c;

     font-size: 16px;

       line-height: 26px;

     font-weight: 400;

     letter-spacing: .3px;

     text-transform: uppercase;

       margin: 15px auto 0 auto;

       padding: 0 10px;


    .post-footer .post-links .icon-doc-text::before {

     display: none;


    .post-footer .post-links .post-more {

     color: #8d917c !important;


    .post-footer .post-links .post-more:hover {

     text-decoration: none !important;

       color: #5b5e4a !important;

       -moz-transition: all .3s ease;

     -webkit-transition: all .3s ease;

     transition: all .3s ease;   


    .post-footer .post-links {

     border-color: transparent;


    Best regards,


  • I have inserted it, and no error appeared.

    Can you please check what happens if you click the update button in the theme options?

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    I get the same error as before – I´ve now deleted your CSS, as it is already in there...

    Best regards,


  • Does the same thing happen when you disable all of the plugins, and in the incognito browser mode?

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    we could solve most of the problems here – it was the memory and the execution time... for the future a more detailed error log would be great.

    Now the last thing we are facing is that the revolution slider ony gets loaded, when you load the main page twice ( – could you please have a check on that?

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • Did you try disabling all plugins except Slider Revolution and changing from child theme to parent to see if the problem persists?

    Best regards

  • I have the same problem. I've done everything. I'm going to abandon the theme.

  • Hi @Adriano4004,

    Please create a new discussion and send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to the forum discussion you create.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Hi Phil,

    yes I´ve now tried disabling all plugins (except the Revolution Slider) and went back to the parent theme... still the slider is not loading on the "first load" only after "refreshing" the browser.

    Could you please check what is happening there?

    Many thanks and

    best regards,


  • Also the Google Map at the bottom of the home-page doesn´t load. Both things only load upon refresh.

  • Can you check that now, please?

    I have changed the jQuery location to Header in your Theme Options, and the slider and map loaded every time for me.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phil,

    that seems to have done the job – many thanks!

    Best regards,


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