New Installation issues

I just purchased the theme and like it but had lots of trouble setting it up. it is BeDance Studio 2. it show images that should not be there but I cannot find them in the fields to remove them. Is it possible you can reinstall the theme? The short code for the contact us email is showing an image that does not appear on your demo. I removed a couple of sections and still have image issues. site url is Please advise. Thanks


  • Hi

    I will gladly assist you, but I need you to send screenshots showing your problems so I will not confuse anything and will be able to provide a direct answer.

    Best regards

  • Hi and thanks for your help. This is the only screenshot I can share with you because I deleted the other section (Testimonials). The image below shows a picture background where there should not be one. It was part of your (Teams) section. Now that one image keeps appearing behind the contact 7 form, which is the original short code.

    Testimonials: after I deleted the section, on small image kept appearing

    Testimonials: after I deleted the section and one small image from the testimonials as seen here, it kept appearing just inside the blue section below so when I could not find how the image was showing up, I deleted that blue section below.

    I hope that this helps you. I am happy to send my logins privately so you can investigate and hopefully correct. Because of these issues, there is no real content created so reinstalling the theme is fine.

  • 1) The image is set as an Elementor section background.

    You must edit this page with Elementor and change the background.

    2) I do not fully understand the second part of your message. Can you explain that to me, please?


  • I have been editing in elementor. Here is a screenshot of the section that has the contact form in it. There is no image that I can find and it does not show up in the edit stage and no image is applied as shown here not even in the overlay. It only shows up on the page when I view it from a visitors perspective. I cannot find where the image is located in order to remove it.

    Regarding the second screenshot, I cannot show you because I deleted the section that contained the testimonials. so never that part for now.

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Sorry, but you sent access to Siteground and not to WP dashboards.

    Please send another message with login credentials to WP.


  • I have just sent correct credentials via Contact us page.

  • The only credentials that work are the ones I sent before your last comment. I have to login to siteground which then takes me to the screen shot below. Once there, I click on website manage and it redirects me to the actual WP website and access to the admin panel.

  • The login credentials you have sent are not working.

    Please see the following article:


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