Updated domain and cannot update BeTheme
I updated the site domain from dev.arumdaunchurch.org to www.arumdaunchurch.org.
After then, I cannot update the theme.
I tried entering my purchase code and username but it says it is incorrect,
Please help us
This is the URL I tried: https://api.muffingroup.com/licenses/
I can provide purchase code. Let me know how I can do it securely
This could mean that your license key is used on more than one domain. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/36219/cannot-register-deregister-your-license-key-use-this-tool#latest.
If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).
After that, get into the license manager once more. If the license key is still claimed - deregister it. If it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard) and try to update your theme a couple of times (usually, it passes after 2-3 attempts) - remember, all of the plugins have to be disabled.
I already tried to use the tool : http://api.muffingroup.com/licenses/
But it says "The purchase code has not been used to register Betheme or the username does not match the purchase code."
That is why I opened this ticket.
Please help. And I am using it on a single domain. I just updated the domain name from dev.arumdaunchurch.org to www.arumdaunchurch.org.
If the license key manager displays this message, go to Betheme -> Dashboard, deregister your license from there, and register it again.
If that problem persists, please send us the WordPress dashboard access and license key privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
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