Animation of global section

Hi there,

Could you please tell me how is done this on top moving band "Buy Tickets" on this template.

Seems like global section but how is setup to move like News ticker

Thank you


  • Hi,

    It is an animated SVG added as a section background.

    Best regards

  • Hi Phill, ok thank you got it, any plans to have in the future perhaps kinda like element to be added sort of ticker?


  • We have it on our to-do list, but we do not have an estimated time when it will be out.

    Best regards

  • Hello everything is fine?

    I had a problem. I tried to change the svg with a phrase from my country "Brazil", but after I made the change this effect stopped working. Could you help me?

  • Hi @estudiograzzus,

    This is related to the graphic design on which we do not have influence.

    You should contact your graphic designer about this.

    Best regards

  • Hello!

    Let me explain better. I tried changing the file to the same format as the file that was already working, but it stopped working. Then I tried to load the same file, it was already running correctly and it no longer works. Even creating everything from scratch and placing a file in svg format doesn't work. I believe it's not the design, but something that happened. Could you help me, or even do a test to see if everything is ok?

  • Please attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


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