use ELEMENTOR on prebuilt website 3D
hello is possible use the theme: with Elementor builder?
when I try to search for the prebuilt website indicated above, after selecting the ELEMENTOR builder, it doesn't find it. instead if I select BeBuilder it finds it..
however I would like to use Elementor
thank you
You can use Elementor on that pre-built website, but it does not have its Elementor version, so you would have to recreate the whole layout.
Best regards
ok thank you
i used the BeBuilder,
how to insert a decimal separator on the element "quick fact"? or other element that has an animation that loads the value
see the website
thank tyou
, there is no option to add a decimal separator to that element.
Best regards
is there another element to do that?
thank you
No, there is no other element with such effect and decimal separator.
Best regards
ok, now the animation (to load the number) does not work anymore....
can you help me? thank you
Please turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Advanced, and ensure that you did not disable Animate digits.