Error after update


I have updated the theme and me website got messed up.

In particular there are hude gaps between blocks. Also can not update Layerslider

Please have a look and sugest solution


  • Hi,

    Sorry, but I do not know how your website looked before, and I have no reference to know what gaps you are talking about.

    Please attach a screenshot showing what you are talking about.

    Also, please tell me what is happening when you try to update the LayerSlider. Is there any error message?

    Are you updating this plugin through Betheme -> Plugins?

    Best regards

  • Iam attaching how it looks like without gaps between horizontal block.

    When I activate Layerslider in Betheme -> Plugins and then refresh the page it goes back to inactive

  • It displays like this for me:

    To be honest, I still do not know what you refer to. Can you point out the differences, please?

    About the LayerSlider, please uninstall it and install it again. You will not lose anything, and the newest version of it should be installed.

    Best regards

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