Be Pre-built website> Default Store
Hi there. Congratulations on your very good work.
I am facing the following problem. I'm trying to install the Default Store Be pre-built website on a staging copy. The installation completed successfully but the menus on the homepage doesn't work.
I select the templates tab and I notice that there is no template for mega menu or header.
The only template that exists is the Custom product template. So it makes sense that the menu doesn't work. Where can I find the templates?
maybe i worded it wrong, the menu at the Be pre-built - Default store (
the second option is Features. At hover opens the submenu. In my case it doesn't work. The submenu doesn't open when I select with the mouse
The Default store does not use the Header Builder or Mega Menu Builder, but one of the header styles from the theme options and the old method of creating a mega menu.