Page load - menu

Getting a strange menu sizing issue on page load. It takes a second for it to sort itself but does manage. Happens every time a page is loaded


  • Hi,

    it looks like you are loading css's and js's from footer, right? Looks like you have enabled option under Betheme > Theme Options > Performance and due to that fact you notice this little jump as it takes time to load all assets, especially on slower hosting services.

  • Okay thank you - no it's loading from the header at the moment. When I change to footer we get a different issue where you see the raw page unstyled for a second.

    So if the only fix to upgrade our hosting package?

  • If it loads in header, the problem might be with slow hosting or 3rd party plugins. I would recommend to start from disabling 3rd party plugins.

  • edited April 2024

    Been through all the plugins and none of them are causing the issue.

    It's like a delay in it loading the header wrap spacing. Feels frustrating as when I look at all the BeTheme templates the headers are all very fixed in place and don't jump around like this

  • In such case, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


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