Sliding footer on scroll with footer template

Hi @ll,

I installed Betheme with a prebuild website template which uses templates for header and footer as well.

I‘ve edited both to fit my needs.

Now, for the footer, I would like to have it slide/reveal on scroll. I was happy to read that this can easily be done in theme options, but then realized that some theme options (like Footer -> Footer Style for example) are not available when using templates for header and footer.

In another support thread I read that some theme options are deactivated because templates would not be affected by the changes made here and that these changes have to be made directly inside the template.

So I wonder why the footer styles in theme options can‘t be changed for a footer template and how I can achive the reveal on scroll effect for my footer.

I can not find any option for this when editing my footer template with BeBuilder.

Any help or answer is highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,



  • Hi,

    When you edit your Footer template, and open the Footer Options, you will find a setting for this style there.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    thanks a lot for the quick reply!

    I must be blind that I didn't find these settings.

    Maybe you can help me with another little thing:

    I am desperately seeking for the option to change the color of an element. I changed all the color settings in theme options to fit my styles but one element won‘t change color, even if this particular color is completely removed/changed in color settings.

    The chosen theme uses a sliding full screen menu (sidebar menu) as a template. The little close button at the top right corner of the menu seems not to be editable for some reason. The icon color (X) and it‘s background color stays the same, even if I change every single color in theme options that is defined with this light green.

    It could be solved with custom css as a workaround, but I think I must be missing something because it should be changed via options or not?

    Any hint?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


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