Problem with How Portfolio Photos are displayed in Slider

I just bought betheme and installed the architect6 built-in design.

I am trying to change the photos on the slider on the home page.

I went to one of the portfolio pages and changed one of the featured images and I tried uploading a picture with different sizes starting from 1920x1204 and reducing it. But when I go to homepage, the image appears is cut off and even though I reduced down to 600x400 pixels it always appears the same and does not change how it appears on the home page slider.

Please advise how to do this correctly as it seems I am missing something. Thank you

By the way, do you have few built-in themes to recommend that have simple design? I just need to build our company's website and I just need a home page with slider and some info, a page about the team and a page about our technologies. If you know of a simple design that I can use from the 700 built-in designs, please let me know as this will save me time rather than starting with a complicated design and have to spend a lot of time to modify it.



  • Hello,

    1) Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    2) I do not know what design exactly you are looking for and how it should look. I suggest to install a couple of pre-built websites and check which suits you best.


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