Image resolution & Logo

I am using architect 6 built in.

(1) What would be a resolution for the portfolio photos that appear on the slider (is this setting globally in the Betheme options Blog & Portfolio » Featured Image)?

And if yes, which specific setting? I see different image settings for "Archives Blog & Portfolio" and "Single Blog & Portfolio"?

(2) what should be resolution for images I upload on the home page and where is this setting set? Is this some kind of global setting that forces all images to a certain resolution like "Betheme options Blog & Portfolio » Featured Image" settings?

(3) How can I upload my logo? So it shows on the home page?


  • Hi,

    1) Yes, the size of the image displayed in the sliders is taken from Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Featured Image.

    2) There is nothing like "best resolution" for the home page. It all depends on what you need.

    According to PageSpeed Insight guidelines it is best to use images with resolution as they appear on the page, so there is no strict value.

    3) If you use Header Builder, the logo can be changed in the header template. If you use a regular header from theme options, you can change it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Logo.

    Best regards

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