Website appears to be hacked


We're running 2 websites with BeTheme and both seem to redirect to some dodgy webspace... Might be because we had some issues with old licenses and failed to update for quite some time.

Is there any way to fix this?



  • Hi,

    The best you can do now is to retrieve a backup of your website from a time before that happened, change all passwords to accounts on your website, hosting, and FTP, and ensure that all plugins and themes on your website are up-to-date.

    If you do not have a backup of your website, contact your hosting provider, as hosting usually keeps some backups for safety.

    Best regards

  • There's no backup at all... :)

  • Did you contact your hosting provider regarding this?

    If yes, and they said that they do not have any backup, then I can only suggest removing all files from your server and redoing your website.

    If you built your pages with Bebuilder, you can speed up the process with the Import/Export feature: When using this you must pay attention if the page does not contain unwanted pieces of code.

    Also, you can export theme options settings and load them through Betheme -> Theme options -> Backup & Reset.

    Best regards

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