Section settings disappear in 27.4

Hi, I found a strange bug in version 27.4 and 27.4.1.

When I update to either of these versions from a previous version, e.g. 27.3.8, after saving any edit in the page, all values/edits at section level disappear. This means padding, margin, background (color and image), position, etc... This cannot be restored so, if I have previously exported the page and then imported after the update. Everything is still missing. But if I do a downgrade to 27.3.8, then the deleted values can be imported.

I work in Classic Builder.

My website:

Best regards,



  • Hi,

    Can you send us an access to this website, so we can make an update, and check what is causing that, please?

    If yes, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • I have proceeded with the update on your website and made a small change by adding a border to the image and no settings on sections were gone.

    Should I do some other steps?

    Best regards

  • Hi, I was looking through the administration and found this:

    - yes, it's OK in Be Builder

    - when I close the page without saving, and open it in Classic Builder, I see the differences I wrote about, see screenshots

    So if I make any change in this state and save it (in Classic Builder), I get a page with missing background, paddings...


  • Thanks for the clarification.

    We have corrected it on your website, and this fix will be also included in the upcoming update.

    Best regards

  • Thanks for the quick resolution!

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